program ?

Rozmowy dotyczące oprogramowania sterującego maszynami CNC i sterowników CNC obrabiarek numerycznych

Autor tematu
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 8
Posty: 1345
Rejestracja: 13 sie 2004, 13:58
Lokalizacja: warszawa

program ?


Post napisał: pltmaxnc » 21 gru 2006, 13:00

W jakim środowisku uruchomoć można taki program ?

ę#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

extern "C"
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>

#include <math.h>

/* USER EDITABLE SECTION: Change these to suit your scanner */
#define CAMERA_HFOV 50.0f /* Degrees */
#define CAMERA_VFOV (CAMERA_HFOV*4.0f/5.0f) /* Degrees */
#define CAMERA_DISTANCE 0.30f /* Meters */
#define LASER_OFFSET 15.0f /* Degrees */

#define HORIZ_AVG 10 /* Num horizontal points to average */
#define VERT_AVG 10 /* Num vertical points to average */

#define FRAME_SKIP 1 /* Use every n'th frame for speed */
#define POINT_SKIP 1 /* Use every n'th scanline for speed*/
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES (180.0f / 3.14159f )
#define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS (3.14159f / 180.0f )

class Image
int width ;
int height ;
unsigned char *buffer ;


Image ( int w, int h )
width = w ;
height = h ;
buffer = new unsigned char [ w * h * 3 ] ;

Image ()
width = height = 0 ;
buffer = NULL ;

virtual ~Image () ;

int getWidth () { return width ; }
int getHeight () { return height ; }

unsigned char *getPixels () { return buffer ; }

unsigned int getPixelArea ( float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2,
unsigned int keyColour ) ;


Awatar użytkownika

ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 3
Posty: 1714
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2006, 16:41
Lokalizacja: Stargard


Post napisał: gaspar » 21 gru 2006, 13:08

Pod linuksem gcc sobie z tym poradzi. Właśnie próbowałem i gdybyś dał cały plik to można go skompilować. To jest źródło do kompilacji w c.
Obróbka CNC - frezowanie & toczenie

Autor tematu
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 8
Posty: 1345
Rejestracja: 13 sie 2004, 13:58
Lokalizacja: warszawa


Post napisał: pltmaxnc » 21 gru 2006, 14:39

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

extern "C"
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>

#include <math.h>

/* USER EDITABLE SECTION: Change these to suit your scanner */
#define CAMERA_HFOV 50.0f /* Degrees */
#define CAMERA_VFOV (CAMERA_HFOV*4.0f/5.0f) /* Degrees */
#define CAMERA_DISTANCE 0.30f /* Meters */
#define LASER_OFFSET 15.0f /* Degrees */

#define HORIZ_AVG 10 /* Num horizontal points to average */
#define VERT_AVG 10 /* Num vertical points to average */

#define FRAME_SKIP 1 /* Use every n'th frame for speed */
#define POINT_SKIP 1 /* Use every n'th scanline for speed*/
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES (180.0f / 3.14159f )
#define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS (3.14159f / 180.0f )

class Image
int width ;
int height ;
unsigned char *buffer ;


Image ( int w, int h )
width = w ;
height = h ;
buffer = new unsigned char [ w * h * 3 ] ;

Image ()
width = height = 0 ;
buffer = NULL ;

virtual ~Image () ;

int getWidth () { return width ; }
int getHeight () { return height ; }

unsigned char *getPixels () { return buffer ; }

unsigned int getPixelArea ( float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2,
unsigned int keyColour ) ;

unsigned char getPixelRed ( int x, int y )
return (unsigned int) buffer [ ( y * width + x ) * 3 + 0 ] ;

unsigned char getPixelGreen ( int x, int y )
return (unsigned int) buffer [ ( y * width + x ) * 3 + 1 ] ;

unsigned char getPixelBlue ( int x, int y )
return (unsigned int) buffer [ ( y * width + x ) * 3 + 2 ] ;

unsigned int getPixel ( float x, float y )
return getPixel ( (int) x, (int) y ) ;

unsigned int getPixel ( int x, int y )
int p = ( y * width + x ) * 3 ;

return ( (unsigned int) buffer [ p + 0 ] << 24 ) +
( (unsigned int) buffer [ p + 1 ] << 16 ) +
( (unsigned int) buffer [ p + 2 ] << 8 ) + 255 ;

void setPixel ( float x, float y, unsigned int rgba )
setPixel ( (int) x, (int) y, rgba ) ;

void setPixel ( int x, int y, unsigned int rgba )
int p = ( y * width + x ) * 3 ;

if ( ( rgba & 0xFF ) == 0 )
return ;

if ( ( rgba & 0xFF ) == 255 )
buffer [ p + 0 ] = ( rgba >> 24 ) & 0xFF ;
buffer [ p + 1 ] = ( rgba >> 16 ) & 0xFF ;
buffer [ p + 2 ] = ( rgba >> 8 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int r = ( rgba >> 24 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int g = ( rgba >> 16 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int b = ( rgba >> 8 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int a = ( rgba >> 0 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int ac = 255 - a ;

buffer [ p + 0 ] = (unsigned char)((int)(buffer [ p + 0 ]) * ac / 255 + r * a / 255 ) ;
buffer [ p + 1 ] = (unsigned char)((int)(buffer [ p + 1 ]) * ac / 255 + g * a / 255 ) ;
buffer [ p + 2 ] = (unsigned char)((int)(buffer [ p + 2 ]) * ac / 255 + b * a / 255 ) ;

virtual int load ( char *fname ) = NULL ;

} ;

class JPEG : public Image

JPEG () : Image () {}
JPEG ( int w, int h ) : Image ( w, h ) {}

virtual int load ( char *fname ) ;
} ;

static const int _endianTest = 1;
#define isLittleEndian (*((char *) &_endianTest ) != 0)
#define isBigEndian (*((char *) &_endianTest ) == 0)

Image::~Image ()
delete buffer ;

int JPEG::load ( char * filename )
jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo ;
jpeg_error_mgr jerr ;

FILE *fd ;
JSAMPARRAY linebuffer ;
int row_stride ;

if ( ( fd = fopen ( filename, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
perror ( "readJPEG" ) ;
fprintf ( stderr, "readJPEG: Can't open %s for reading\n", filename ) ;
return 0 ;

cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error ( &jerr ) ;
jpeg_create_decompress ( &cinfo ) ;
jpeg_stdio_src ( &cinfo, fd ) ;
jpeg_read_header ( &cinfo, TRUE ) ;
jpeg_start_decompress ( &cinfo ) ;

row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components ;

if ( cinfo.output_components != 3 )
fprintf ( stderr, "readJPEG: %s has %d components?!?\n", filename,
cinfo.output_components ) ;
return 0 ;

linebuffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
( (j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1 ) ;

delete buffer ;

height = cinfo.output_height ;
width = cinfo.output_width ;

buffer = new unsigned char [ width * height * 3 ] ;

while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)
int y = cinfo.output_scanline ;

jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for
more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.

jpeg_read_scanlines ( &cinfo, linebuffer, 1 ) ;
memcpy ( & buffer [ y * row_stride ], linebuffer[0], row_stride ) ;

jpeg_finish_decompress ( &cinfo ) ;
jpeg_destroy_decompress ( &cinfo ) ;

fclose ( fd ) ;
return 1 ;

unsigned int Image::getPixelArea ( float x1, float y1,
float x2, float y2,
unsigned int keyColour )
if ( x2-x1 <= 0.0f || y2-y1 <= 0.0f )
return 0x00000000 ;

unsigned int r = ( keyColour >> 24 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int g = ( keyColour >> 16 ) & 0xFF ;
unsigned int b = ( keyColour >> 8 ) & 0xFF ;

float area_tot = (x2-x1) * (y2-y1) ;

float r_tot = 0.0f ;
float g_tot = 0.0f ;
float b_tot = 0.0f ;

float rgb_area = 0.0f ;

for ( int i = (int)floor(x1) ; i <= (int)ceil(x2) ; i++ )
for ( int j = (int)floor(y1) ; j <= (int)ceil(y2) ; j++ )
if ( i < 0 || i >= width ||
j < 0 || j >= height ||
getPixel( i, j ) == keyColour )
continue ;

float xa = ( x1 > (float) i ) ? x1 : (float) i ;
float xb = ( x2 < (float)(i+1)) ? x2 : (float) (i+1) ;
float ya = ( y1 > (float) j ) ? y1 : (float) j ;
float yb = ( y2 < (float)(j+1)) ? y2 : (float) (j+1) ;

if ( xb-xa <= 0.0f || yb-ya <= 0.0f )
continue ;

float area = (xb-xa) * (yb-ya) ;

rgb_area += area ;

r_tot += getPixelRed ( i, j ) * area ;
g_tot += getPixelGreen ( i, j ) * area ;
b_tot += getPixelBlue ( i, j ) * area ;

if ( rgb_area <= 0.0f )
return 0x00000000 ;

r_tot /= rgb_area ;
g_tot /= rgb_area ;
b_tot /= rgb_area ;

float a_tot = rgb_area * 255.0f / area_tot ;

if ( r_tot > 255.0f ) r_tot = 255.0f ;
if ( g_tot > 255.0f ) g_tot = 255.0f ;
if ( b_tot > 255.0f ) b_tot = 255.0f ;
if ( a_tot > 255.0f ) a_tot = 255.0f ;

if ( r_tot <= 0.0f ) r_tot = 0.0f ;
if ( g_tot <= 0.0f ) g_tot = 0.0f ;
if ( b_tot <= 0.0f ) b_tot = 0.0f ;
if ( a_tot <= 0.0f ) a_tot = 0.0f ;

return ( (unsigned int) r_tot << 24 ) +
( (unsigned int) g_tot << 16 ) +
( (unsigned int) b_tot << 8 ) +
( (unsigned int) a_tot << 0 ) ;

void ASAtoSAS ( float angA, float lenB, float angC,
float *lenA, float *angB, float *lenC )
/* Find the missing angle */

float bb = 180.0f - (angA + angC) ;

if ( angB ) *angB = bb ;

/* Convert everything to radians */


/* Use Sine Rule */

float sinB = sin ( bb ) ;

if ( sinB == 0.0f )
if ( lenA ) *lenA = lenB / 2.0f ; /* One valid interpretation */
if ( lenC ) *lenC = lenB / 2.0f ;
if ( lenA ) *lenA = lenB * sin(angA) / sinB ;
if ( lenC ) *lenC = lenB * sin(angC) / sinB ;

float *processRawFrame ( char *fname, int f, int num_frames, int *num_points )
JPEG *jpg = new JPEG ;

jpg -> load ( fname ) ;

int np = jpg->getHeight() / POINT_SKIP ;

*num_points = np ;

float *res = new float [ 3 * np ] ;

float frame_angle = ((float) f) * (360.0f / (float) num_frames) ;

for ( int j = 0 ; j < np ; j++ )
/* Find the brightest pixel */

float max = 0.0f ;
int maxpos = -1 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < jpg -> getWidth () ; i++ )
unsigned int px = jpg -> getPixel ( i, j*POINT_SKIP ) ;

float brightness = ((float)(( px >> 24 ) & 0xFF)) / 255.0f +
((float)(( px >> 16 ) & 0xFF)) / 255.0f +
((float)(( px >> 8 ) & 0xFF)) / 255.0f ;

if ( brightness > max )
max = brightness ;
maxpos = i ;

float radius ;
float camera_angle = CAMERA_HFOV *
(0.5f - (float)maxpos / (float)jpg -> getWidth ()) ;

& radius, NULL, NULL ) ;

float x = radius * sin ( frame_angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) ;
float y = radius * cos ( frame_angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) ;
float z = atan ( (CAMERA_VFOV * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS / 2.0f) ) *
2.0f * CAMERA_DISTANCE * (float) j / (float) np ;

// if ( max < 1.50 )
// x = y = 0.0f ;

res [ 3 * j + 0 ] = x ;
res [ 3 * j + 1 ] = y ;
res [ 3 * j + 2 ] = z ;

delete jpg ;

return res ;

void outputFrames ( int num_points, int num_frames, float **vertices )
int num_outframes = num_frames / HORIZ_AVG ;
int num_outpoints = num_points / VERT_AVG ;

printf ( "AC3Db\n" ) ;
printf ( "MATERIAL \"ac3dmat1\" rgb 1 1 1 amb 0.2 0.2 0.2 "
"emis 0 0 0 spec 0.5 0.5 0.5 shi 10 trans 0\n" ) ;
printf ( "OBJECT world\n" ) ;
printf ( "kids 1\n" ) ;

printf ( "OBJECT poly\n" ) ;
printf ( "name \"scan3d\"\n" ) ;
printf ( "loc 0.0 0.0 0.0\n" ) ;
printf ( "numvert %d\n", num_outpoints*num_outframes ) ;

for ( int f = 0 ; f < num_outframes ; f++ )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_outpoints ; i++ )
float avg [ 3 ] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } ;

for ( int ff = 0 ; ff < HORIZ_AVG ; ff++ )
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < VERT_AVG ; ii++ )
avg [ 0 ] += vertices[f*HORIZ_AVG+ff][(i*VERT_AVG+ii)*3+0] ;
avg [ 1 ] += vertices[f*HORIZ_AVG+ff][(i*VERT_AVG+ii)*3+1] ;
avg [ 2 ] += vertices[f*HORIZ_AVG+ff][(i*VERT_AVG+ii)*3+2] ;

avg [ 0 ] /= (float)( HORIZ_AVG*VERT_AVG ) ;
avg [ 1 ] /= (float)( HORIZ_AVG*VERT_AVG ) ;
avg [ 2 ] /= (float)( HORIZ_AVG*VERT_AVG ) ;

printf ( "%f %f %f\n", avg [ 0 ], avg [ 1 ], avg [ 2 ] ) ;

printf ( "numsurf %d\n", num_outframes * (num_outpoints-1) * 2 ) ;

for ( int f = 0 ; f < num_outframes ; f++ )
int ff = (f==num_outframes-1) ? 0 : f+1 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_outpoints-1 ; i++ )
int ii = i+1 ;

printf ( "SURF 0x10\n" ) ;
printf ( "mat 0\n" ) ;
printf ( "refs 3\n" ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", ff * num_outpoints + ii,
(float) ff / (float) num_outframes,
(float) ii / (float) num_outpoints ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", ff * num_outpoints + i,
(float) ff / (float) num_outframes,
(float) i / (float) num_outpoints ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", f * num_outpoints + i,
(float) f / (float) num_outframes,
(float) i / (float) num_outpoints ) ;

printf ( "SURF 0x10\n" ) ;
printf ( "mat 0\n" ) ;
printf ( "refs 3\n" ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", f * num_outpoints + ii,
(float) f / (float) num_outframes,
(float) i / (float) num_outpoints ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", ff * num_outpoints + ii,
(float) ff / (float) num_outframes,
(float) ii / (float) num_outpoints ) ;
printf ( "%d %f %f\n", f * num_outpoints + i,
(float) f / (float) num_outframes,
(float) i / (float) num_outpoints ) ;

printf ( "kids 0\n" ) ;

int main ( int argc, char **argv )
float **vertices ;

int num_frames = 0 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; true ; i++ )
FILE *tmp ;
char fname [ 100 ] ;

sprintf ( fname, "%08d.jpg", i*FRAME_SKIP ) ;

fprintf ( stderr, "Checking %s\r", fname ) ;

if ( (tmp = fopen ( fname, "r" )) == NULL )
break ;

fclose ( tmp ) ;

num_frames = i+1 ;

fprintf ( stderr, "\nProcessing %d frames...\n", num_frames ) ;

vertices = new float * [ num_frames ] ;

int npoints = -1 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_frames ; i++ )
int np ;
char fname [ 100 ] ;
sprintf ( fname, "%08d.jpg", i*FRAME_SKIP ) ;

fprintf ( stderr, "Processing frame %d/%d '%s'\r",
i, num_frames, fname ) ;

vertices [ i ] = processRawFrame ( fname, i, num_frames, &np ) ;

assert ( npoints == -1 || np == npoints ) ;

npoints = np ;

fprintf ( stderr, "\nOutputting...\n", num_frames ) ;
outputFrames ( npoints, num_frames, vertices ) ;
Ostatnio zmieniony 21 gru 2006, 18:36 przez pltmaxnc, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Awatar użytkownika

ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 3
Posty: 1714
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2006, 16:41
Lokalizacja: Stargard


Post napisał: gaspar » 21 gru 2006, 16:05

Poproś Marcomp o kompilacje, ja nie mam odpowiednich bibliotek i jednak nie bardzo mi to się chce skompilować (na serwerze nie wszystko było potrzebne)


/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x19): In function `Image::~Image [not-in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x33): In function `Image::~Image [not-in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x55): In function `Image::~Image [in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x6f): In function `Image::~Image [in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x91): In function `Image::~Image [in-charge deleting]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0xab): more undefined references to `operator delete(void*)' follow
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x123): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_std_error'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x142): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_CreateDecompress'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x15a): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_stdio_src'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x16e): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_read_header'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x180): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_start_decompress'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x1fd): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x250): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x289): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_read_scanlines'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x2ca): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_finish_decompress'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x2dc): In function `JPEG::load(char*)':
: undefined reference to `jpeg_destroy_decompress'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x3a9): In function `Image::getPixelArea(float, float, float, float, unsigned)':
: undefined reference to `floor'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x3d4): In function `Image::getPixelArea(float, float, float, float, unsigned)':
: undefined reference to `ceil'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x40c): In function `Image::getPixelArea(float, float, float, float, unsigned)':
: undefined reference to `floor'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x437): In function `Image::getPixelArea(float, float, float, float, unsigned)':
: undefined reference to `ceil'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x828): In function `ASAtoSAS(float, float, float, float*, float*, float*)':
: undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x892): In function `ASAtoSAS(float, float, float, float*, float*, float*)':
: undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x8c2): In function `ASAtoSAS(float, float, float, float*, float*, float*)':
: undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x8e6): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x920): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x97a): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0xaf5): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `sin'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0xb1e): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `cos'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0xb3b): In function `processRawFrame(char*, int, int, int*)':
: undefined reference to `atan'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.text+0x113a): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTV5Image+0x10): undefined reference to `__cxa_pure_virtual'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN4JPEGD0Ev+0x30): In function `JPEG::~JPEG [in-charge deleting]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN4JPEGD1Ev+0x30): In function `JPEG::~JPEG [in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTI5Image+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTI4JPEG+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
/tmp/ccrD8cO8.o(.eh_frame+0x12): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Obróbka CNC - frezowanie & toczenie

Awatar użytkownika

Specjalista poziom 1 (min. 100)
Specjalista poziom 1 (min. 100)
Posty w temacie: 9
Posty: 243
Rejestracja: 29 mar 2006, 23:24
Lokalizacja: Laski, gm. Izabelin


Post napisał: x » 21 gru 2006, 21:19

To jest program C++, potrzebuje tylko biblioteki libjpeg. Polecenie kompilacji:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

 g++ -o zfcnc zfcnc.cpp -ljpeg
(zfcnc to oczywiście nazwa pod jaką zapisałem skopiowany stąd kod)

U mnie kompiluje się bez żadnych problemów. Tylko wytłumaczcie mi: co ten program robi? Podawałem mu nawet dwa pliki które nazwałem 00000000.jpg i 00000001.jpg, cuś tam wyświetla (w większości napisy "na sztywno" wpisane do printf()), i to wszystko, żadnego fizycznego efektu w postaci pliku wynikowego.

Awatar użytkownika

ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 3
Posty: 1714
Rejestracja: 13 sty 2006, 16:41
Lokalizacja: Stargard


Post napisał: gaspar » 21 gru 2006, 21:44

no po zainstalowaniu libjpeg, skompilowałem.

Checking 00000001.jpg
Processing 1 frames...
Processing frame 0/1 '00000000.jpg'
MATERIAL "ac3dmat1" rgb 1 1 1 amb 0.2 0.2 0.2 emis 0 0 0 spec 0.5 0.5 0.5 shi 10 trans 0
OBJECT world
kids 1
name "scan3d"
loc 0.0 0.0 0.0
numvert 0
numsurf 0
kids 0

faktycznie nie wiele to wyjaśnia
Obróbka CNC - frezowanie & toczenie

ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
ELITA FORUM (min. 1000)
Posty w temacie: 1
Posty: 1555
Rejestracja: 01 wrz 2005, 00:23
Lokalizacja: trójmiasto


Post napisał: numerek » 21 gru 2006, 22:01

:lol: :lol: co on robi ......
tego sam autor postu nie wie ...:)
zapytał pod czym to to będzie chodzić a linuksiarze juz za kompilacje się biorą ......
okazuje się że ten program robi............
nic nie robi po prostu jest
a co !

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Specjalista poziom 1 (min. 100)
Posty w temacie: 9
Posty: 243
Rejestracja: 29 mar 2006, 23:24
Lokalizacja: Laski, gm. Izabelin


Post napisał: x » 21 gru 2006, 22:23

Potem się okaże, że to rootkit.

A tak na serio, to wygląda na wersję 0.0.1-pre-alpha, prawie wszystko wpisane "na sztywno", 500 linii kodu, jakaś użyteczna funkcjonalność pojawi się pewnie kilkanaście wersji później. Ale w wolnej chwili przejrzę ten kod.
a linuksiarze juz za kompilacje się biorą ...
Rzeczywiście, to już taki odruch żeby sprawdzić czy się skompiluje.

Specjalista poziom 2 (min. 300)
Specjalista poziom 2 (min. 300)
Posty w temacie: 1
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Rejestracja: 07 sie 2005, 18:22
Lokalizacja: WLKP


Post napisał: yoyer » 21 gru 2006, 22:24

Zakladam, ze jest to program wykorzystywany do zczytywania geometrii obiektu z pliku graficznego (tzn jest to jakis modul wiekszego projektu) przy skanowaniu za pomoca kamery (aparatu) i lasera - swiatlo lasera w postaci "prazka" rzutowane jest na obiekt... co bede pduzo pisal... wiecie o co chodzi...

dla przykladu:
npoints - to moze byc zmienna do liczenia "nodow"; etc

[ Dodano: 2006-12-21, 22:24 ]
PS. Ktos pewnie na "wyzszej uczelni" dostal prace przejsciowa i sie teraz produkuje ;)

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Lider FORUM (min. 2000)
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Rejestracja: 18 wrz 2004, 12:51
Lokalizacja: k/w-wy


Post napisał: markcomp77 » 21 gru 2006, 22:33

to jest "The Scan_Extract Tool" ze strony:
The program I used to extract 3D images is included here and the 'Makefile' for it is here.
SpotkanieCNC: STOM-TOOL Marzec 2014 ... t55028.htm

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