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autor: RomanJ4
04 paź 2018, 09:08
Forum: Ogólne dyskusje na temat oprogramowania CAD/CAM
Temat: Darmowe programy CAD i CAM
Odpowiedzi: 41
Odsłony: 65240

Re: Darmowe programy CAD i CAM

Może się komuś przyda...
Let me tell you a story:
CAD programs make me nuts. I have learned so many of them, and I hate learning a new one every time. But I always make time to learn the next one. Why?
The thing is, there are a lot of ways to think about creating a 3D model of a part you want to make. There is no one way to go about it, there's only the way that feels natural to you.
What I like may feel completely unnatural to you.
As a result, I tell every CNC'er that they need to try more than one CAD program. In fact, even if you've got one you like pretty well, you shouldn't stop trying new ones. Even though I bet you hate learning them too.
The thing is, you'll find that some are useless to you. They make you think too hard. Some will be like that comfortable old pair of shoes you refuse to get rid of--they work well and you use them often. And then some are going to be like that special tool you keep in a special place in your toolbox. You don't use it often, but when you need to solve a certain problem, you go right to that particular tool. BOOM! The problem is gone lickety split.
Because of that, I now use a handful of CAD programs. I'm not a one-CAD kind of guy any longer. And I am so much more productive for it.
That's why I wanted to pass along to you the latest addition to my toolkit. You've probably heard of it, it's called Alibre Atom3D.
I'll be honest, I tried some Alibre products years ago and it wasn't for me. But this latest version is completely different. I have to tell you, I like it a LOT better than the CAD that's built into Fusion360, which I had been using quite a lot.
Alibre Atom3D is simpler, better organized, and it makes more sense to me.
I talked this over with the Alibre folks and they blew me away. They offered to let me give Alibre Atom3D to you completely FREE!
What? Wow, that's the best news, right?
They've put together a special offer that lets you try Alibre for 6 months. No mere 30 days here. You get a chance to dig in and learn to love it with that much time. You can also buy it for 15% off. It's an all-around sweet deal and they're very generous to offer it. I'm very happy to be able to share it.
Just click through to this page:
[ Get my 6 months of Alibre Atom3D CAD completely free! ]
Hey, check it out and be sure to tell me what you think of it. Maybe it'll be the start of your multi-CAD toolkit, or just maybe it'll become your #1 go-to CAD software.


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